Life, Parenting, podcast, Theatre

Stretching 2018 into 2019

"The days are long and the years are short." I've mostly heard that saying applied to parenting young children, and in my life that's certainly true. A full day with a toddler who doesn't nap is a LONG day. These weeks off from school have been LONG, not necessarily bad, but definitely long. "The days… Continue reading Stretching 2018 into 2019

Life, Parenting

Who understands this kid

My toddler has a motor speech delay. He's been working with an amazing speech therapist for about four months now. My guess is that we'll continue to make that weekly appointment for at least another year. Unless we need to step it up to twice a week which we might need to do. We don't… Continue reading Who understands this kid

Parenting, Theatre

Project: Mother of the Year

If you live in the Triangle Area of North Carolina and you identify yourself as a mother, then I have a request for you. I’m gathering creative fodder for a new project, and I’d love to have your contributions. This project, tentatively titled MOTHER OF THE YEAR, has no shape or performance date, or anything… Continue reading Project: Mother of the Year

Parenting, Theatre

A mom who…

There are a lot of gifts that accompany a show opening. Everything has come together and is soaring. It's a celebratory time. The New Colossus has opened! The cast, the direction, the design, the stage management are all amazing. Hurrah! For me, one of the gifts of TNC's opening weekend, is a more personal one. And… Continue reading A mom who…


Waking up to baby

Early last year, after a long string of miscarriages and unexplained infertility issues combined with my ever-advancing maternal age, I accepted that I wouldn't be giving birth to anymore babies. I wrote a post titled Baby Sarah which was an opportunity for me to acknowledge my acceptance (and sadness) as well as give voice to the… Continue reading Waking up to baby


Baby Sarah

My daughter is telling everyone that I am pregnant with a baby girl named Sarah. (I’m not.) After the third person at her school congratulated me on this fictitious pregnancy, I asked her why she was telling people this. She replied, “Because it makes people happy when I say that.” Yeah. My daughter loves babies.… Continue reading Baby Sarah


A discussion about death over orange juice

"You'll die first." My five year old daughter said that to me about two weeks ago. It was 8:00 a.m. on a Saturday morning. I was leaning into the fridge reaching for some orange juice. She was between bites of her cereal, sounding chirpy and chipmunky as she usually does. "You'll die first." Do not… Continue reading A discussion about death over orange juice


Beauty fail, beauty win

A few weeks ago, I freaked out and bought some cosmetic spackle to "fill + seal" my frown lines. Yeah. I was killing time in the Barnes and Noble, and I wandered across an article in a fashion magazine about my 'elevens'. I didn't know about these until I read this article -- 'elevens' are… Continue reading Beauty fail, beauty win


Click on it

My child has been playing a lot of (too many!)  Sesame Street computer games, and watching too many (ehem) intellectually stimulating TV programs, and eating cereal for dinner on a regular basis. This is what happens when I’m in a show. And, you know, I’m cool with that. She’s fine. I’m fine. We’re all fine.… Continue reading Click on it