About this blog

A new blog post will appear like magic every so often, as needed. Sign up to follow RhymeswithCamera on the front page to ensure that you receive each new magical post right away.

This blog is a place to mull ideas and start conversations,  to wander through problems and into solutions, to reach in and reach out, to share without over-sharing. I hope these writings o’mine are thought-provoking. I hope they are enjoyable and fun. I hope they make you feel something, think something, do something. Let me know, ok?

Oh, it seems obvious, but just in case…. The opinions expressed on this site don’t necessarily represent those of my friends, family, co-workers, etc. They are mine own. I’m a grown-up woman speaking only for myself. Those people simply have the somewhat dubious honor of having me in their life. I’m lucky to have them.

2 thoughts on “About this blog”

  1. I’m really looking forward to being your blog groupie or whatever its called. You’re a very talented writer. Being a stay-at-home mom, I don’t socialize often. This is fascinating to me especially since most of my daily routine is mind numbing. Thank you!!! P.S. Please take this as the compliment it was intended.

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